ゼレンスキー大統領の支持率は、戦争開始時はわずか2割台(政権崩壊レベル)でしたが、今では英雄となり、2022年の「Person of the Year」としてタイム誌の表紙を飾るまでになりました。
ゼレンスキーは仮面を剥がされ、倒される。March 25
President Zelensky of Ukraine, you are a liar and a snake. You cry for help and act like a victim when you are the one causing destruction in your country. Oh yes, the world will hear and find out the truth about who you are, whose side you are on.
April 23
President Zelensky of Ukraine: you have a lot to answer for: your treasonous acts against your own country, money, and power. You are a liar and a deceiver, and I will unmask you in front of this world, saith the Lord.May 7
Zelensky: your days are numbered in Ukraine. You will not stay in your position of power. My hand is moving against you, and the world will know for a fact what a snake and a liar you are. You have tried to deceive the whole world, but truth will expose you and your treason. Treason will be your end. You caused your Nation destruction and chaos. You worked with the fraudulent government of the United States of America to destroy that Nation as well. And you wanted to cause genocide to the world’s population. You thought no one would find out all the things hidden in your Nation of Ukraine, but you have been infiltrated, Zelensky. There are people who know everything, and you will pay a high price, and the world will see your judgment take place, saith the Lord of Hosts.July 19
President Zelensky will give himself away. He is a liar and a wolf in sheep’s clothing. The money they just received has been going to places and people they tried to hide. Oh no! They will no longer keep this dirty secret. I am exposing it all, saith the Lord.July 23
President Zelensky is about to fall. Oh yes, he is about to walk away from his powerful position. He can no longer keep it because I am removing him Myself, saith the Lord.August 24
Truth is coming to destroy President Zelensky. He is about to be exposed as a liar. Money has been given to him for safety and protection, and what they are hiding is about to come out in the open. I told you, My children, there is more to what you are seeing that is supposedly going on in the world. So trust in Me this day when you don’t see it, but the day soon is coming that you will, saith the Lord.September 17
President Zelensky is about to step down from his place of power and not by his choice. The resistance is growing behind the scenes, and things are intensifying for your enemies because they know their days are numbered before the truth comes out. The world will know what they really are hiding and who they really are. No one who has been against Me will escape My judgment, saith the Lord of Hosts.October 3
President Zelensky is going down. Watch and see who turns on him and exposes him for who he really is.October 8
Again, I say President Zelensky is about to make a very big mistake and will give himself away.October 17
President Zelensky is about to be unmasked and will be brought down.