The Restoraion and Lifting Up of Ukraine
Hank Kunneman
“There shall come a new Ukraine,” says the Spirit of God, “in this new era. Ukraine, you shall not be held by the grip of the Bear, Russia. For there is beauty that is coming for the ashes, but watch, from Ukraine shall come truth that shall expose corruption that has been in you, United States, and it is deep, and it is far, and it is wide. But now it shall come because My Spirit is shedding the light upon the darkness and in the season of the new. Yes, darkness shall be here, but when does darkness outweigh when the light is turned on brighter?” says the Lord.“A revival shall come out of you, Ukraine, that shall affect Europe and Russia. Even as America has been known for raising up missionaries to go out into the earth, I will place one in a position of power in the natural, and you, Ukraine, shall rejoice, and My Church will rejoice, because it will be a sign to you that not only have I heard your prayers, but revival is breaking out in the nation of the Ukraine.”
The Spirit of the Lord says, “And I am going to send evangelists, apostles, prophets, and teachers and pastors, and they will come out of the Ukraine.”
「ウクライナよ、私はあなたを守っている。わが子たちへ、あなたの国で起こっていたことの真実が、いたるところで明らかにされようとしている。ロシアは強制された。ウクライナ、あなたは侵入された(訳注:ロシアではなく、ウクライナの真の敵を指す)が、わが手はあなたをかばい、保護する。私は以前、これはウクライナ、あなたたちに向けられたものではないと話した。いや、あなたの敵は、この世界を壊滅させるためにあなたの国で計画したものを守るために、金を払ってこの戦争を起こした。ニュースメディアは全く異なる図式を描いている。」Julie Green
Ukraine, I am protecting you. To My children, the truth of what was going on in your Nation is about to be revealed everywhere. Russia was forced. Ukraine, you were infiltrated, but My hand will shield and protect you. I had told you before this is not directed at you, Ukraine. No, your enemies paid for this war to protect what they had designed in your country to decimate this world. The news media is painting a whole different picture.