• 思いがけず聖霊の風の恵みを受けたカトリック信徒が、聖霊刷新とは何か、Jacky のニックネームで具体的に説明するサイトです。テーマは、預言的執り成し、預言、いやし、悪霊からの解放、イスラエル、アメリカ、メシアニックジュー、エキュメニズム、マリア崇敬、聖マリアの汚れなき御心の勝利、第二の聖霊降臨など多岐にわたります。聖霊刷新関連の本もたくさん紹介しています。


Julie Green牧師による2022年4月13日の預言的メッセージをご紹介します。この内容は、メディアが伝える物語(ナラティブ)と大きく異なっています。ウクライナ政府とアメリカ政府、それに世界のエリートと呼ばれる集団の腐敗が指摘されていますが、具体的なことは示されていません。またプーチンに関する意外な役割も言及されています。






Julie Green
April 13, 2022
Ukraine will be in the news but not for what you think. Ukraine’s government has been hiding things that are about to be revealed to the world. Ukraine, your government was paid to turn against you. Yes, they have done things in your land so heinous it will be hard for you to hear. But I will judge and remove all who are against you and put who belongs in those places of power to free your land. Oh, Ukraine, poisonous acts have been done, but I will cleanse your soil, and an Awakening will grow, and Revival will hit your land. So don’t give up now, Ukraine. I, the Lord, am moving for you and against your enemies. In this year, your land will look totally different with freedom you will experience like never before. The strongholds and the principalities of the rulers of the air have been destroyed, and their power over you has been released. Great celebrations are about to break out in your land, Ukraine, saith the Lord of Hosts.

The truth will come out regarding Putin. I have told you before, and I will tell you again, he has many things against the elites and this fraudulent government, oh United States. Yes, so many things he has been holding on to and hasn’t released yet. The world elites are terrified and will do anything they can to either have him killed or turn the world against him so that this information won’t be released to the world. No matter what they do, truth is pouring out everywhere and destroying their plans of a world takeover. They can’t stand the fact that they are losing.

Many are still wondering how I, the Lord, can use a man like Putin. My children were picked, but they refused to do what needed to be done. He was willing to do this, and I can use whom I need. Putin has been warned, and if he doesn’t obey My warning, judgment will come to him and his land.

My children, many things are about to come to the light to distinguish their darkness over this world.