Hank Kunneman 牧師の預言(2022年2月16日に発表されたもの)をご紹介します。彼の預言は非常に正確であるとペンテコステ派の重鎮(すでに他界)が語ったことがあるので、私もある程度、参考にしています。この預言はロシアのウクライナ侵攻開始(2月24日)の前に発表されたものです。メディアを信じてはならないということが趣旨のようですが、結局のところプーチンは戦争レトリックに巻き込まれてしまったのでしょうか。また、ウクライナをめぐる真実とはいったい何なのでしょうか。ここでは何も示されていません。皆さん、どうぞご自分で識別してみてください。
“Do Not Believe the Lies Over Ukraine”
Prophecy by Hank KunnemanWord of the Lord released on February 16, 2022:
“Do not believe the lies, for even over Ukraine, the media – their mouth is filled. Listen to Me, the media – their mouth is filled with war rhetoric. And there are those who are pushing for war, and there are those who would desire to even make it look like Russia has done something to the Ukrainian people, inside of their borders, to bring them to war. Yet, I am and I have been speaking to the leader of the Bear.
“I’ve been speaking to you, Putin, and you are listening. Therefore, watch. Do not be caught up in the war rhetoric the media is creating. And do not believe when they report certain things that would desire to frame a picture and bring Russia and Ukraine to the place of battle. For My voice is speaking louder, and I am declaring truth. And My truth shall expose the truth over Ukraine.
“My truth shall expose even greater what they have resisted [on] – that which comes by the expression of freedom. And My voice of truth will continue to pull out of their holes, and I will pull the sheets off, and I will continue to show you what has been done in secret.